Tobogganing in Bayerisch Gmain
Tobogganing is the trend! The natural toboggan run in Bayerisch Gmain takes you 600 metres downhill at breakneck speed.
You walk from the Bergkurgarten through the snow-covered mountain forest on a sledge up to the Alpgartengraben. This is where the fun tobogganing fun begins for young and old.
Ascent approx. 15 min.
Daily floodlit tobogganing if there is enough snow
Free toboggan hire for guests with a state spa guest card at the Bayerisch Gmain tourist information centre
Rodelhang Bayerisch Gmain
Berchtesgadener Str.
83457 Bayerisch Gmain
Tourist-Info Bayerisch Gmain
Großgmainer Straße 14
83457 Bayerisch Gmain